Category: Uncategorized
Peep This:
With the vastness of the internet, it has become inevitable that a well meaning music head will start to lose sight of what’s hip and fresh. The internet is a monster to tame and finding good music has become a lot harder to run by. No algorithm can replace a…
Slim Shady, the Snitch in the White House!
I’m absolutely sure most avid readers of the internet have heard about the op-ed in the New York Times from a supposed Sr. Level person within the White House entitled , ” I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration” with the subtitle heading of, “I work for…
Whiteness, The straw that broke America
As each day goes by, this Shit Show we call the Trump Presidency rolls on with seemingly no end in sight. Every day that goes by so many people are wondering what allows him to be able to stay in office with what seems to be the most unethical form…
Nothing screams Little Richard like Trump’s latest Tweet!
He’s such a loser! Once again, Donald J. Trump has solidified a running theory of mine. I am at the point that I’m willing to bet the farm that Trump suffers from a Napoleonian deficit in the nether regions. People who have a Washington monument or even a Vegas miniature…
The Little Guy from Janesville, Wisconsin & why he’s screwing the Working Class
I’ve always noticed that Paul Ryan has always made it a point to let people know he’s from a little town called Janesville in Wisconsin. It seems to be his most major line used to show that he is from humble means, but when you look at his…
The Punkassedness of Whiteness
The Punkassedness of the White House It seems with racial tension at an all time high, it appears the White House is willing to double down on stupid. Not only are they willing to double down, they are will to stamp and notarize stupidity on levels never seen before by…
Hollywood’s War on Trump
With all the news coverage on the Trump Investigation, one would think that the average news watcher has a relatively firm grasp on things. Yet, everyday, there’s something new to add to the story on a regular basis. It wasn’t hard to tell that Hollywood was one of…
Have A Talk With God
Typically I am a person who holds his relationship with God relatively private. In these days of judgement and false prophets, I prefer to simply deal with my relationship with God in my own manner (Seeing everyone says they know how, but rarely have proof) . Recently, something happened…
SheaMoisture vs PRIDE: Trying to be a Black Company while dealing with Black People
I have been having a series of guerrilla warfare battles on Facebook with a bunch of my friends over the whole entire Shea Moisture controversy and have decided that I cannot accept the current narrative being peddled around by many black women and brothers who act like they get it!…
THE BETRAYAL OF WHITENESS As a black man and having tried my best to be a considerate, intelligent and thoughtful human being, there’s a reality that I have to face when it comes to white people. Yes, It’s a horrible thing to do in regards to generalizations, but let’s be…